Classic Carriers Blog

Dan Asche - Classic Carriers Trucking Operations Manager Spotlight

Written by Classic Carriers | May 10, 2023 5:06:21 PM

Meet Dan Asche, trucking operations manager at Classic Carriers. He joined the Classic Carriers team just over four years ago and enjoys the challenges that each day brings.

Watch the video or keep reading to learn more about what Classic Carriers means to Dan.


Dan’s Take on Working at Classic Carriers

What Got You Into Trucking?

I was born into trucking. My parents had a business trucking company, and when I was born, they were still trucking. After school, I got back into trucking, and that’s all I’ve ever done.

What’s Your Favorite Thing About Trucking?

My favorite thing about trucking is there’s always a challenge — no matter if it’s difficulties with customers, loads, drivers or equipment. There’s always a daily challenge.

What Does a Regular Day Look Like for You?

I can’t really say that I have a regular day. Every day is different, but on a daily basis, I just make sure the customers are updated and the drivers know what they are supposed to be doing. My partner Dan and I handle all the back hauls, so we spend a lot of our days trying to get everything lined up for that.

How Would You Describe Your Relationship with the Drivers?

For the most part, I feel that I have a good working relationship with the drivers. We have our moments where we don’t get along on things, but I feel we have a pretty good system going. 

How Important Is Communication in the Relationship?

Communication is key — it really is. One of the things that I’ve learned with my drivers is that I can learn their schedules. For example, this employee likes to drive at night, so they’re going to be sitting throughout most of the day. This may drive you nuts because you just see them sitting at the same spot all day, but you know they’re going to get it there.

What Is Most Important to Maintain a Good Relationship with Drivers?

Without communication, it’s the blind leading the blind. I’ve learned over the years of being in the business that when you have a team of drivers — they’re not just a name or number when they call in. They’re a person you know you can talk to — it brings a warmer presence to it.

What Is a Key Characteristic of a Good Driver?

If you’re able to dispatch a driver and you don’t hear from that driver — to me, that’s a good thing. No news is good news. They know what they’re doing, basically.

What Does Classic Offer Drivers that Is Different from Other Carriers?

One of the things that Classic offers versus a lot of carriers, in my opinion, is the family-like atmosphere. It truly is like family.

What Is One Piece of Advice You’d Give to New Drivers?

One of the things that I’ve always done throughout the years in this business, especially while driving, is when you go to a customer, you’re representing your company. It’s always been, ‘Yes sir,’ ‘No sir,’ ‘Yes ma’am,’ ‘No ma’am’ and ‘Thank you.’ A little bit of respect can make someone’s day. 

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